We are a Caring Community!

As a caring community, we can provide emotional and spiritual support for our members. If you are in need of a pastoral care phone call or visit, it would be appreciated if you would let Marcia know when you need assistance. She can be reached by clicking this email address: MarciaW@EtzChaimFlorida.org. If you are more comfortable speaking with another member of the congreation, please click this email - info@etzchaimflorida. org. Our phones are not attended regularly. Please make sure to contact us promptly so wecan respond as soon as possible. We are here for you. Let us be your Spiritual Center of Gravity.
We are a FUN Community!
Our weekly Oneg Shabbat is a fantastic place to get to know everyone! We regularly enjoy bagels and lox, amazing cakes and yummy sweets while we share our joys, sorrows and the goings on with our members. From our monthly Shabbat Dinners at the Peter Pan Diner, to our Passover and
Tu b'Shevat Seders, we use all the joy that Judaism has to offer to come together as a community of Jews. We shake our lulav, read our Megillot, and share the beauty of our holidays. Check the Calendar Page HERE and sign up for "The Schmooze", our weekly digital newsletter in the box below!